Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stomach Ache Causes More Condition_symptoms When You Have A Stomach Ache What Causes The Pain?

When you have a stomach ache what causes the pain? - stomach ache causes more condition_symptoms

For example, if you eat something that disagrees with you, and you have a sore belly where it hurts for a few minutes and again for some time, and usually ends in a purchase diarrhea ... What is the cause of the pain you feel?


Sherry B said...

Hope this helps. Many problems come from how / what we eat and combine our foods. Let me explain.

It was the first time I cooked dinner for my friend. I do not know when, but my own healing to a question about this man, my husband (Mike would be started)

Shortly after we had meetings in the evening for him and I asked if it would be nice if you do not eat food they had prepared. He said that everything looks wonderful, but the club would give him stomach pains. I do not know what he meant, since nothing was fried and no hot spices were used.

Then I asked the question that literally changed my life forever!

Mike asked: "Have you heard of food combining?

My immediate reaction was "No" was not heard from him. While it was nothing new and has been endorsed by many health experts, peak performance experts and celebrities, and much more - you really never heard of the combination of foods.

After hearing about combininig as "badg "leads to acidosis, acid reflux, heartburn and a host of other digestive problems, I had my dinner," properly combined "first ...

And I had absolutely no symptoms!


That's right ...

No cramps
NO bloated stomach
No, as excessive gas
The absence of acid reflux
No Constipation
No running to the bathroom
No excruciating pain

Can you imagine how relieved I felt after all these years? If you ever any of these symptoms, even smaller ones will understand why I was thrilled!

Sherry Brescia

john s said...

Acids in the stomach all mixed with each other pains

Rosy M said...

acidic gastric juice

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