Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mental Health Advice Mental Health Advice Needed, Can Anyone Please Help ?

Mental health advice needed, can anyone please help ? - mental health advice

The son of a colleague has emotional problems,
Domestic Violence
can not keep a job
do not know what goes with him, but she cries every day for lunch and I offer to help.
Thank you for the advice


JS said...

If the child is a victim of domestic violence, encourage you with your friends in the local program of domestic violence can find and close to your son. They can be connected to the hotline National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-SAFE) call to the nearest program. Give assistance and advice free of charge and you may refer to the mental health provider.

Depends if he wants a plan to improve mental health and current situation work, but thanks for trying to help!

HealthFr... said...

suggest that it take him to the doctor and do some tests
See if you have any deficiencies or allergies
and maybe take him to a healer
better than going to a psychiatrist and taking medication, which
sometimes even worse

HealthFr... said...

suggest that it take him to the doctor and do some tests
See if you have any deficiencies or allergies
and maybe take him to a healer
better than going to a psychiatrist and taking medication, which
sometimes even worse

essentia... said...

affected son needs a cognitive behavioral therapy, the mother should own up to their responsibilities and put in therapy.

lil-metr... said...

Counselor or the treatment can be both emotional

MM said...

Both need to ask for help

MM said...

Both need to ask for help

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